onFires on subtitles load. Initial value is undefined. Always emits the current value on subscription.
onFires on event produced by AudioWorkletNode created with createAudioPeakProcessorWorkletNode
onFires on audio input / output channel connection change
onFires on audio track switched
Creates AudioContext. AudioContext.resume() is invoked on first video play
contextOptions: AudioContextOptionsCreates AudioWorkletNode and attaches it to AudioContext input. It can be used for audio peak processing and gathering live volume levels data
Creates AudioSplitterNode and AudioMergerMode configured for routing between inputsNumber and outputsNumber.
Number of input channels. Implicitly created ChannelSplitterNode is configured with inputsNumber.
outputsNumber: numberNumber of output channels. Implicitly created ChannelMergerNode is configured with outputsNumber. If not provided outputsNumber is resolved by calling defaultAudioOutputsResolver function:
const defaultAudioOutputsResolver: (maxChannelCount: number) => number = (maxChannelCount: number) => { if (maxChannelCount <= 1) { return 1; } else if (maxChannelCount >= 2 && maxChannelCount <= 5) { return 2 } else if (maxChannelCount >= 6) { return 6 } else { return maxChannelCount; } }
Creates AudioContext. AudioContext.resume() is invoked on first video play
Function to resolve outputsNumber. Provides AudioContext.destination.maxChannelCount as input argument
current active audio track
Matrix of AudioInputOutputNodes
available audio tracks
Routes (connects or disconnects) provided AudioInputOutputNode (connects it or disconnects it)
Routes multiple AudioInputOutputNode
Fires on AudioContext creation